
Friday, May 29, 2009

from the streets of New york, begging for inspiration and reading many words

i have found a poet that i love and his name is Jack Gilbert

"How to love the dead"

she lives, the bird says, and means nothing
silly. She is dead and available,
the fox says, knowing about the spirits.
not the picture of the funeral,
not the obect of grieving. She is dead
and you can have that, he says. If you can
love without politeness or delicacy
the fox says, love her with your wolf heart,
as the dead are to be desired.
Not the way long marriages are,
nothing happening again and again,
Not in the woods or in the fields.
Not in the cities. The painful love of being
permanently unhoused. not color, but the stain.


The man certainly looked guilty.
Ugly, ragged and not clean. Not to mention
their finding him there in the woods
with her body. Neighbors told how he was
always playing with dead squirrels,
mangled dogs, even snakes. He said
those were the only things that would
allow him to get close. "look at me"
the old man said with uncomplaining
simplicity, "Im already one of the dead
among the dead. Its hard to watch things
humiliated the way death does it.
Possums smeared on the road, birds with
ants eating out their eyes. Even dying rats
want privacy for their disgrace.
Its true I washed the dirt off of her face
and the blood off her body. combed her hair.
I slept beside her, at her feet for two days,
the way my dog used to. I got the dress
on the best i could. She looked so neglected.
Like garbage thrown in the weeds.
Like nobody cared he had done that to her.
I kept thinking how long she is going to be
alone now. I knew the police would take
pictures and put them in the papers naked
and open so people eating breakfast could
look at her. I wanted to give her
spirit enough time to get ready."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

the unveiling: my summer fashion inspiration and look is...

"Semi skanky (in a good way) yet bazaar 70's rock goddess inspired indian princess"

CHER meets BAT FOR LASHES....feathers, fringe, head dresses, faux fur and leather
beads, the longest of earing and the highest of platform shoes, tattered denim, chains, faux lashes, thick liner, heavy bangs, tall boots, flowing printed cotton dresses....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

if not evolving, then what am i doing?

I am trying to do new things.
get outside my box
move,change, evolve, develop... anything but stand still

This week so far....I have....

Spoken my mind and stood up for myself
Went on a spur of the moment day trip to Athens, Alabama with Wray
Went to a writing work shop by Pamela De Barre 

its only Tuesday...
what next?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

i cant get off this Jeff Buckley and Elliott smith train today

miss misery and lover you should have come over.

Ill fake it through the day
With some help from johnny walker red
Send the poison rain down the drain
To put bad thoughts in my head
Two tickets torn in half
And a lot of nothing to do
Do you miss me, miss misery
Like you say you do? 
A man in the park
Read the lines in my hand
Told me Im strong
Hardly ever wrong I said man you mean
You had plans for both of us
That involved a trip out of town
To a place Ive seen in a magazine
That you left lying around
I dont have you with me but
I keep a good attitude
Do you miss me, miss misery
Like you say you do? 
I know youd rather see me gone
Than to see me the way that I am
But I am in the life anyway
Next door the tvs flashing
Blue frames on the wall
Its a comedy of errors, you see
Its about taking a fall
To vanish into oblivion
Is easy to do
And I try to be but you know me
I come back when you want me to
Do you miss me miss misery
Like you say you do?

Looking out the door I see the rain fall upon the funeral mourners
Parading in a wake of sad relations as their shoes fill up with water
And maybe Im too young to keep good love from going wrong
But tonight youre on my mind so you never know
When Im broken down and hungry for your love with no way to feed it
Where are you tonight, child you know how much I need it
Too young to hold on and too old to just break free and run
Sometimes a man gets carried away, when he feels like he should be having his fun
And much too blind to see the damage hes done
Sometimes a man must awake to find that really, he has no-one
So Ill wait for you... and Ill burn
Will I ever see your sweet return
Oh will I ever learn
Oh lover, you shouldve come over
cause its not too late
Lonely is the room, the bed is made, the open window lets the rain in
Burning in the corner is the only one who dreams he had you with him
My body turns and yearns for a sleep that will never come
Its never over, my kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder
Its never over, all my riches for her smiles when I slept so soft against her
Its never over, all my blood for the sweetness of her laughter
Its never over, shes the tear that hangs inside my soul forever
Well maybe Im just too young
To keep good love from going wrong
Oh... lover, you shouldve come over
cause its not too late
Well I feel too young to hold on
And Im much too old to break free and run
Too deaf, dumb, and blind to see the damage Ive done
Sweet lover, you shouldve come over
Oh, love well Im waiting for you
Lover, you shouldve come over
cause its not too late

Monday, April 13, 2009


that last post- ludicrous 

although, i still agree with the comments i made regarding the weather.
yesterday and today were/are beautiful.
walking the dog, driving my convertible around east nashville, pretending i have not a care in the world, being a quote, unquote a lady of leisure...
 is not all its cracked up to be

list of reasons i am still alive-

1. craft parties at Renae and Brannons
2. getting to meet/hang out with/style my most favorite New Zealanders 
(Bret and Jemaine) visit the crusty cage blog for details
3. amazing friends. ABSOLUTELY incredible people.
4. listening to sweet playlists while driving convertibles through pretty neighborhoods to enjoy the foliage 
5. my upcoming adventure to NYC May 18th-June 1st
6. all the incredible books i have yet to complete
7. all the songs i have yet to hear
8. my new found/ re-instated relationship with my mother ( and her boyfriend ) 
9. memories

Monday, March 23, 2009

the dam hath broken and the spring hath sprung.

oh, of the turmoil that recently has been surging through my veins and swirling through my mind like a never ending electric shock.
I believe it has come to a halt.
Is it the glorious weather?
My interesting adventurous journey to SxSW and back?
The passing of time?
Creative Juices Flowing?
Sheer exhaustion?
The  fantastic Playlist i put together this morning?
All of the above?
WHO even Cares
I welcome the warmth and the smiles.

the strangers- St. Vincent
Dying is fine- Ra Ra Riot
Daniel- Bat for Lashes
1901- Phoenix
Brother Sport- Animal Collective
Strawberry Fields Forever- The Beatles
Some are Lakes- Land of Talk
Car Alarm- The Sea and Cake
Time of a Season- The Zombies
Nothing To Worry About- Peter Bjorn and John
Language City- Wolf Parade

Friday, March 06, 2009

secrets, mysteries, dangerous liaisons and brain exorcisms

make it stop...
make it stop...
make THIS stop...

this is the past 
this is the present 
this is the future

wouldn't it be nice 
wouldn't it be nice
oh, wouldn't it be nice

 a direct result of postponing the inevitable.
DO YOU remember that time?
If i were lucky, i wouldn't have any recollection

NOW, i am being haunted by a very strange ghost.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

inspire me please 2009

Nothing, oh nothing, brings clarity to my life like writing a list does.
It is my one single defense against the evil forces of anxiety driven meltdowns.
January and February are the most introspective months for me.
Life slows down, cools down and i begin to hibernate inside my own head
comparing each day to the one before it and trying to pinpoint every pattern.

A year ago right now, I was dealing with feelings that today are barely even memorable.
How caught up and obsessed in the moment we become, but what of our futures?
What about aging and the inevitable? What of loss and of unrequited love and what about an uncontrollable desire for something one could never possibly obtain?
These miserable circumstances are healed by one thing alone- the passing of time.
Time can both be your healer and friend as well as the demise of your youth and strength.
Where lies the happy medium, Where is that thick black line drawn?
Do we give up emotional highs and the illusion/search of ultimate happiness for comfort, safety and basic contentment? Do the feelings we think we are missing truly exist on a long term level? I think the answer is no. Motion picture love is a fable. It has pissed on every girl and boy's expectations for relationships. Our goal should be to channel these ridiculous feelings and use them as inspiration for our art and/or craft.

Maybe i need to do less thinking and more reading...
Here is a list of the books i am currently in the process of digesting:

1. "It's Hard to be Hip, Over Thirty and Other Tragedies of Married Life"  
2. " Sin in the Second City-Madams, Ministers, Playboys and the battle for America's Soul"
3. "The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Substances"
4. "The Poetry & Short Stories of Dorothy Parker"

I also have been trying to divert my overactive brain from thinking itself in circles and into corners by indulging in documentaries such as :
Nothing cures a off day like watching the true stories of
an orchestrator of mass suicide (909 people)  and a girl who married the man that threw acid in her face 16 years prior.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

oh to be distracted and entertained.

Its just one of those days where i wish someone would prank call me at work.
(615.321.5444 hint, hint)

I am here at Manuel, sort of by myself... our intern Danielle is here helping me out
but everything is so calm and so quiet.... so boring.
All I can hear is the spanish radio station and its making me crazy.

No Manuel.                           
No Morelia.
No Lauren.

I wish some scary plastic surgery altered, faux tanned, weirdo in a bazaar snake skin suit would come into the store and entertain me with obnoxious tales of the "old days" in Los Angeles... 

Or that one of my friends would show up with a diet coke, white chocolate macadamia nut cookie, a stack of magazines and a funny story or two...

OR EVEN that we would get some kind of interesting package via the fed-ex delivery man...
like a box full of old photographs of people I do not know or hundreds of pieces of broken jewelry... maybe something i won on EBAY that i had forgotten all about.

I am desperate here. OBVIOUSLY.
Draw me a picture.
Write me a letter.
Compose me a song.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

oh Lord, i HATE the radio...

Well, we all know about my utter contempt for all things Top 40 and Radio friendly.
(I know everyone has guilty "pop" pleasures that rear their ugly heads on a bad day, 
The musical equivalent to a ice cream and cake french fry and grilled cheese junk food binge....but that is a whole other story)

so i turn to the likes of Last FM,
Sirius xmu, and Emusic to ease my audibly related
frustration.....but i wont bore you with the gory details, i will just get straight to the point.

I am running out of music.

unknown, obscure, bazaar,
mix tapes, mix cds, records, 

Friday, January 09, 2009


The time is finally here...

We are having an open house sale on Thursday, January 15th, at our design studio located at 502 North 17th Street, East Nashville, TN. We are selling gorgeous reconstructed vintage clothing and accessories, as well as Crusty Cage items ( vintage inspired t-shirts and such related to subjects like east nashville and hoodrats) all while sipping champagne, spinning records (courtesy of DJ LaFoxx), and eating snacks.
The sale will be from 6pm-9pm.
Tell everyone and prepare to have your mind blown!
We can't wait to see your lovely faces!
Note: We will exclusively accept cash or check at the open credit...sorry.


(Kelli & Lalie)

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink

Nothing has really changed in my life as of late...
YET somehow this morning i woke up feeling different....
kind of STRANGE .... outside of myself... or removed from my life even. 
Not bad, Not good...just odd. Bazaar. Something else or Someone else.

I am going to blame it on the fact that I can not remember the last time the sun shined or that I am just plain sick and tired of  the bars in 5 points or bars altogether for that matter (or at least that is Lauren Wray's theory ).

Highlights of my day include:

Making it work on time after getting in at 4 am ( add walking to my car at 3crow and picking Lauren up into this equation)

Dissecting relationships, boy/girl interaction and the art of not thinking like a human being with intern Kelly while rhinestoning next to a space heater.
( this conversation was second only to our debate about decomposing flesh and dwarves vs. midgets )

Drawing peacocks and feathers for several hours

Actually taking a lunch break

Making up 'making out with marty stuart' scenarios for Wray and Kelly
(this is where I think of funny situations for the girls to be in that almost always include lip locking with mr. hillbilly rock himself and then they have to tell me how they would react. 
Its really one of my most favorite past times in the whole entire world)