
Tuesday, January 06, 2009

water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink

Nothing has really changed in my life as of late...
YET somehow this morning i woke up feeling different....
kind of STRANGE .... outside of myself... or removed from my life even. 
Not bad, Not good...just odd. Bazaar. Something else or Someone else.

I am going to blame it on the fact that I can not remember the last time the sun shined or that I am just plain sick and tired of  the bars in 5 points or bars altogether for that matter (or at least that is Lauren Wray's theory ).

Highlights of my day include:

Making it work on time after getting in at 4 am ( add walking to my car at 3crow and picking Lauren up into this equation)

Dissecting relationships, boy/girl interaction and the art of not thinking like a human being with intern Kelly while rhinestoning next to a space heater.
( this conversation was second only to our debate about decomposing flesh and dwarves vs. midgets )

Drawing peacocks and feathers for several hours

Actually taking a lunch break

Making up 'making out with marty stuart' scenarios for Wray and Kelly
(this is where I think of funny situations for the girls to be in that almost always include lip locking with mr. hillbilly rock himself and then they have to tell me how they would react. 
Its really one of my most favorite past times in the whole entire world)

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