
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

oh to be distracted and entertained.

Its just one of those days where i wish someone would prank call me at work.
(615.321.5444 hint, hint)

I am here at Manuel, sort of by myself... our intern Danielle is here helping me out
but everything is so calm and so quiet.... so boring.
All I can hear is the spanish radio station and its making me crazy.

No Manuel.                           
No Morelia.
No Lauren.

I wish some scary plastic surgery altered, faux tanned, weirdo in a bazaar snake skin suit would come into the store and entertain me with obnoxious tales of the "old days" in Los Angeles... 

Or that one of my friends would show up with a diet coke, white chocolate macadamia nut cookie, a stack of magazines and a funny story or two...

OR EVEN that we would get some kind of interesting package via the fed-ex delivery man...
like a box full of old photographs of people I do not know or hundreds of pieces of broken jewelry... maybe something i won on EBAY that i had forgotten all about.

I am desperate here. OBVIOUSLY.
Draw me a picture.
Write me a letter.
Compose me a song.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

oh Lord, i HATE the radio...

Well, we all know about my utter contempt for all things Top 40 and Radio friendly.
(I know everyone has guilty "pop" pleasures that rear their ugly heads on a bad day, 
The musical equivalent to a ice cream and cake french fry and grilled cheese junk food binge....but that is a whole other story)

so i turn to the likes of Last FM,
Sirius xmu, and Emusic to ease my audibly related
frustration.....but i wont bore you with the gory details, i will just get straight to the point.

I am running out of music.

unknown, obscure, bazaar,
mix tapes, mix cds, records, 

Friday, January 09, 2009


The time is finally here...

We are having an open house sale on Thursday, January 15th, at our design studio located at 502 North 17th Street, East Nashville, TN. We are selling gorgeous reconstructed vintage clothing and accessories, as well as Crusty Cage items ( vintage inspired t-shirts and such related to subjects like east nashville and hoodrats) all while sipping champagne, spinning records (courtesy of DJ LaFoxx), and eating snacks.
The sale will be from 6pm-9pm.
Tell everyone and prepare to have your mind blown!
We can't wait to see your lovely faces!
Note: We will exclusively accept cash or check at the open credit...sorry.


(Kelli & Lalie)

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink

Nothing has really changed in my life as of late...
YET somehow this morning i woke up feeling different....
kind of STRANGE .... outside of myself... or removed from my life even. 
Not bad, Not good...just odd. Bazaar. Something else or Someone else.

I am going to blame it on the fact that I can not remember the last time the sun shined or that I am just plain sick and tired of  the bars in 5 points or bars altogether for that matter (or at least that is Lauren Wray's theory ).

Highlights of my day include:

Making it work on time after getting in at 4 am ( add walking to my car at 3crow and picking Lauren up into this equation)

Dissecting relationships, boy/girl interaction and the art of not thinking like a human being with intern Kelly while rhinestoning next to a space heater.
( this conversation was second only to our debate about decomposing flesh and dwarves vs. midgets )

Drawing peacocks and feathers for several hours

Actually taking a lunch break

Making up 'making out with marty stuart' scenarios for Wray and Kelly
(this is where I think of funny situations for the girls to be in that almost always include lip locking with mr. hillbilly rock himself and then they have to tell me how they would react. 
Its really one of my most favorite past times in the whole entire world)