
Sunday, June 08, 2008

Pretty stupid girls- a no reason rant

I was never the beautiful girl growing up and I am thankful for that fact Every single morning when I wake up...

As kids, my sisters and I were labeled and placed inside neat folders and filed alphabetically inside a very small box.

Maisie with the head turning, pulse racing looks that could kill

Chelsea with that talent for all things creative that came so effortlessly it made everyone sick

And I was the brains of the operation, the ring leader of sorts, the captain of the ship,
The imagination.

None of us thought we could venture outside of the one sentence description that had been branded on us at a very young age. 
Thankfully, we have recently concluded that there is so much more to a person than their most obvious strengths.
I think this is the problem with most "pretty girls" and why I often times find them trite, shallow and dare I say it, dreadfully dull.

Now I am by no means drawing a large black line between physically beauty and ugliness. 
There is of course a huge gray area in between in which I would categorize myself and most (not all but most) of the other females I would wish to spend time around. 
A girl can be attractive, interesting looking, exotic, captivating even and not fit into "pretty girl" mold I speak of.
Girls that are strikingly, drop dead gorgeous by any one's standards (often times a former cheerleader, beauty queen, or pageant princess) tend to have never had to develop their personalities and brains to the level the rest of us have had to in order to make friends and connections in this world. 
Unfortunately, I find this to be the case 9 out of 10 times and it really makes me very sad. 
These girls grew up with a get out of jail free pass go and collect $200 dollars card and were able to skip a lot of the school of hard knocks' character building workshops your average teenager finds themselves in.
Sure, they can give you an hour long dissertation on makeup, skin care products, hair care and where the best tanning salon is but finding any real substance is like digging for gold in a grave yard. 
Now, do not jump the gun and think that this is an attack on being a "girly girl"...I LOVE a shopping spree and pedicure AS much as any female...
In fact, I have most likely gone too far in the opposite direction. I can never slow my mind down, I analyze everything everyone says and worry about too many things that are beyond my control. So maybe having a simple mind is easier... Maybe these girls just want to have fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thank God I wasn't too pretty growing up. It sure is going to suck for those girls when they get old, what then will they have to offer the world?