
Friday, January 22, 2010

I live Vicariously through you, Chuck Bass

Sometimes my life happens in a pattern of surreal and ironic events.
When I say sometimes, I really mean all of the time.

For instance....
somewhere around 2 summers ago when I was having a fantastic
Long weekend in one of my top 3 favorite US Cities, Chicago at Lollapalooza and beyond.

It is a tired and Cinderella-esque tale so I will spare you the gory details of the trip
However, what you do i fact need to know that our entourage was basking leisurely at my most favorite Chi-town watering hole, The Rainbo Club- a sweet little dive on North Damon that plays real records and has one of the oldest photo booths in the Country.
We were in the company of Some of the festival's headlining acts.
It would be a lie to say this did not feel epic.

Ed Westwick, the devious and cynical "Chuck Bass" on WB's infectious confection of a show, Gossip Girl was a part of our group.
At the time I did not know much about the plot and quite frankly, thought it sophomoric in concept so I barely payed attention to the fellow, although he was adorable, British and quite possibly one of the friendliest actors I have come in contact with.

Fast forward a year and a half.
SOMEHOW I have become completely enthralled and quite addicted to
everything about Gossip Girl
I am 26 years old and yet I often times would rather sit at home and watch these Manhattan debutant teenagers galavant around making messes out of their faux lives then go out and have my very own REAL social life.

If only I had payed attention to "chuck"
had a conversation
gotten the inside scoop
become friends
smoked cigarettes
had drinks

timing is everything.
I got to party with my favorite TV character and at the time, I didn't even know who he was.

Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids